GSF Founder Speaks to Students at Temple Sinai about the Importance of Education and Activism

Posted: April 19, 2016
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GSF founder Jacqueline Murekaete was invited to address six grade students at Temple Sinai as part of the Temple’s Holocaust and Genocide prevention education program.  The students who had been learning about the children murdered during the Holocaust got a firsthand opportunity to learn from Ms. Murekatete about the deaths and survival experiences of children during the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda. Ms. Murekatete shared her account of going through the Genocide at the age of 9 and at the end of the Genocide learning that her parents, all six of her siblings and most of her extended family members had been murdered.

GSF Founder Speaks to Students at Temple Sinai about the Importance of Education and Activism

Moved by Murekatete’s testimony, the students asked many questions and assured her that they were going to do their part to fight hate and intolerance and speak out whenever they hear a group of people being persecuted simply because of who they are or because of what they believe.

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