GSF Founder Addresses Students at Middlesex College in New Jersey

Posted: April 21, 2016
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Middlesex college’s center for the study of Genocide, Prejudice and the Holocaust invited GSF founder Jacqueline Murekatete to address the college’s students as part of the center’s efforts to spread awareness about the crime of Genocide and get students involved in promoting tolerance in both their local and global community.

Ms. Murekatete shared her experience as a child during the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda and helped students recognize that “Genocide is not a crime that happens overnight.” As Murekatete emphasized, “people do not get up one day and want to pick up machetes and clubs and go about killing their neighbors as was the case in Rwanda in 1994. Genocide is process, and because of that, there is always opportunities for us to speak up and intervene before it is too late.”

As she described the process that led to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, including the ethnic based ID system, the state-sanctioned discrimination against Rwanda’s Tutsi minority ethnic group, the dehumanization campaign, and the culture of impunity, Ms. Murekatete said over and over again that had the world paid attention to the warnings and acted in a timely fashion, the Genocide would not have happened and her parents, siblings and the more than million people who lost their lives in the Genocide would be alive today.

Ms. Murekatete spoke about the dangers of being silent and indifferent amidst Genocide and other mass atrocity crimes and called on the students to be global citizens by being aware of what goes on around the world and getting involved in prevention efforts whenever they hear about a potential Genocide anywhere in the world.

Learn more about Murekatete’s presentation here:

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